{include file="{$smarty.const._templates_path}_meta.html" title=header}
{include file="{$smarty.const._templates_path}_header.html" title=header}

Suggested Reading Period : {$paragraph_data_ary.reading_start_date} ~ {$paragraph_data_ary.reading_end_date}
English   Pinyin   Vocabulary
{foreach from=$paragraph_data_ary['paragraph'] name=paragraph key=k item=v}
{if $view_charset == 1} {$v['contents']} {elseif $view_charset == 2} {$v['eng_contents']} {elseif $view_charset == 3} {$v['pinyin_contents']} {else } {$v['contents']} {/if}

{if $paragraph_data_ary['original_text'] != ''}
Original from :
{$paragraph_data_ary['original_text']}  {$paragraph_data_ary['original_link']}
{/if} {if $tests_ary} {/if}
  • Move your curser onto the vocabulary and left-click your mouse. Explanation of the vocabulary will pop out. "More" function is available for the Intermediate Level, this function tells you how to use one vocabulary in different situations.
  • Customize your own vocabulary list by saving your vocabularies in "Word Bank" under "My account".
  • Left-click on the Place Names, it will link you to Google Map.
  • Left-click on Names, Proper Nouns, it will link you to English Wikipedia.
  • Move your curser into the paragraph, you will see your curser mark becomes "?", whereas "Tips" on the right side of the page becomes "Tool Box". In "Tool Box", you can find the English translation, Pin-Yin, and Read-aloud for this paragraph.
  • Original sources are available for some of the Intermediate Level stories. You can challenge your comprehension ability there.
  • Please rate the story for us after you read..
  • Click on "QUIZ" button at the end of every story to enter the quiz section.
  • You can also leave your questions in the Comment box at bottom of the page, we will get back to you as soon as we can.
{include file="{$smarty.const._templates_path}comment.html" title=foo}
{include file="{$smarty.const._templates_path}_footer.html" title=foo}