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Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were leaders and each of them commanded their own forces. They both wanted to be the “true” king. Thus, they agreed that whichever of them entered Xianyang city first could become the king.

Theme: Character、History

Dynasty: Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.)

Main Vocabularies: 上厕所,各自,任何,过程,带领,总是,遇到,战争,到达,比较,幸运,不仅,了解,服气,亲自,提醒,只好,保护,之后,打败,就是,久,杀,被,并,而,把,领导者

Grammar: 就 jiù

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 388

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For age over 13

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Hongmen banquet

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Once upon a time, there was an old monk who had many disciples. One day, the old monk decided to test his disciples. He asked them to chop wood in the mountains and bring it back.

Theme: Philosophy、Life

Dynasty: Other

Main Vocabularies: 和尚,身边,许多,弟子,考验,就是,赶快,出发,放弃,失望,年纪,口袋,不了,遇到,改变,结果,只有,成为,砍,急,空,正,颗,棵,满,尝

Grammar: V不了 Vbùliǎo

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 340

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

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The wise little monk

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During the Han Dynasty, there was a famous general named Han Xin. Before becoming a general, he was just an ordinary person and often had nothing to eat. At that time, Han Xin could only go fishing by the river. On a good day, he might catch a few big fish. Unluckily, he often got nothing and was often hungry.

Theme: Character、Idiom、History、Inspirational Story

Dynasty: Han Dynasty(206 B.C. -220)

Main Vocabularies: 家常便饭,普通人,只是,钓鱼,运气,同情,当成,保证,报答,希望,将来,需要,因此,丰盛,就是,钓,时,把,并

Grammar: 把A当作B bǎ A dāngzuò B

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 360

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

Read Story


A Meal Worth a Thousand Gold

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Two young men were job haunting. They walked together on a road and, at the end, found a piece of land on each side of the road. They both thought, "I'll start working here!" What will happen to them?

Theme: Business、Life、Social Phenomenon

Dynasty: Other

Main Vocabularies: 年轻人,动物园,越来越,左右,选择,星星,旅游,为了,另外,不同,于是,需要,努力,只有,是否,因此,认真,结果,盖,而

Grammar: 为了wèile

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 350

Words Level: HSK1/YCT1&2&3

Target Age Group: For both above

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Two young men

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Shadow Sister is a playful child. She likes to play around during the day because she can be seen wherever there is sunlight. She doesn't like to sleep. Even in the middle of the night, we can see her wherever there is light.

Theme: Science

Dynasty: Other

Main Vocabularies: 一模一样,的时候,影子,任何,只是,只有,游戏,傍晚,整天,力量,有趣,光,约,照

Grammar: 有时候A,有时候B yǒu shí hou A yǒu shí hou B

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 363

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

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Shadow sister

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Ant Mommy told Ant Daddy that there was a storm coming. They worried that they might not have enough food for the baby ants, so they decided to look for food together.

Theme: Animals and Plants

Dynasty: Other

Main Vocabularies: 一前一后,这么一来,蚂蚁,决定,外面,终于,开始,担心,如何,合作,上面,各自,赶紧,窝,颗,甜,把,心,跳,连,被,搬

Grammar: 这么/样一来 zhème/yàng yìlái

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 355

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

Read Story


The Ants Crossing the River

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Owls are very important pest controllers in nature, specializing in catching field mice to prevent them from damaging farmers' crops. However, owls are often considered ugly, and their calls are not as pleasant as those of the orioles. Many people dislike them and believe they bring bad luck.

Theme: Philosophy、Animals and Plants

Dynasty: Other

Main Vocabularies: 五颜六色,赏心悦目,农作物,专家,专门,农夫,比较,自然,建议,就是,为了,动力,抓,替,类,被,所,把,而

Grammar: 其他 qítā

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 316

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

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Owl philosophy

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In the state of Chu, there was a famous man known to all as "Ye Gong." Ye Gong often told people that he loved dragons the most because dragons could transform at will and control the weather, making them quite powerful. What's Dragon got to do with him?

Theme: Character、Idiom

Dynasty: Spring Autumn Period、Warring States Period(700-221 B.C.)

Main Vocabularies: 呼风唤雨,变化,相当,石头,除了,屋子,家具,关系,设计,日常,或是,当中,决定,突然,立刻,反而,龙,盖,时,内,并,连,传,被

Grammar: 反而 fǎn ér

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 378

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

Read Story


Ye Gong’s love of dragon

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In China, emperors from every dynasty sought ways to attain immortality, with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty being particularly obsessed with finding the elixir of eternal life.

Theme: Gourmet、Culture、Language

Dynasty: Han Dynasty(206 B.C. -220)

Main Vocabularies: 长生不老,当作,朝代,皇帝,大臣,长寿,寿命,补充,根据,古代,传说,笑话,慢慢,变成,只要,庆祝,面条,就是,另,活,完,停,与,面,成,起

Grammar: 才.....就..... cái..... jiù......

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 341

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

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Birthday noodles

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China’s papermaking is a great invention. Before the invention of papermaking, people mostly used animal skins or bamboo to write. But these create a lot of problems.

Theme: Character、Culture

Dynasty: Han Dynasty(206 B.C. -220)

Main Vocabularies: 造纸术,伟大,发明,书写,相当,实验,精神,总是,不断,希望,解决,价格,制作,成功,制造,类似,现代,购买,技术,并且,世界,文化,发展,产生,项,皮

Grammar: 经过

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 317

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

Read Story


The man who made the paper -- Cai Lun

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One day, a pair of brothers with a very good relationship made an appointment to go hunting together in the mountains. After reaching the mountaintop, the elder brother suddenly heard the voice of the wild goose. He said to his younger brother, "Shoot the wild goose down quickly, we can cook it." What’s next they will do?

Theme: Fable, Mythology、Inspirational Story

Dynasty: Other

Main Vocabularies: 找不到,感情,突然,下来,不断,争吵,决定,内容,简单,完美,解决,同意,建议,再也,任何,约,把,射,吵,时

Grammar: 来+VP

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 300

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

Read Story


Brothers competing for the wild goose

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At dinner time, Xiao Jun saw a cup of red stuff in front of his grandfather. He thought it was grape juice. He drank it and shouted, "What is this? It tastes strange." His grandpa smiled and said, "It's wine. It's made of grape juice." Xiao Jun is curious, how did grape juice become wine?

Theme: Science

Dynasty: Other

Main Vocabularies: 葡萄酒,葡萄汁,前面,奇怪,好奇,沙漠,只好,袋子,葡萄,并且,温暖, 里面,慢慢,发酵,久,把,却,榨,糖

Grammar: 只好

Level of Difficulty:

Words Count: 384

Words Level: HSK3

Target Age Group: For both above

Read Story


Turn grape juice into wine