古代 gŭdài ancient times 石头 shítou stone 国王 guówáng king 称 chēng weigh 超级 chāojí super 秤 chèng steel yard;scales 重量 zhòngliàng weight 时期 shíqī period 古代 gŭdài antiquity 時期 shíqí period (of time) 國王 guówáng king 南方 nánfāng south;southern part of country 份 fèn (1)partial measure word for part of the whole; (2)measure word for a set of food; (3)measure word for documents newspapers etc. 象 xiàng elephant 突然 tūrán suddenly; abruptly 想到 xiăngdào think of 到底 dàodǐ to the end;at last;after all 於是 yúshì hence; consequently 部下 bùxià subordinates 的話 dehuà if 答案 dáàn answer; solution; key 稱 chèng weigh 該 gāi ought to;should; be supposed to 其中 qízhōng among (which them etc.); in (which it etc.) 超級 chāojí super 這樣 zhèyàng such this kind 重量 zhòngliàng weight 那樣 nàyàng such so in that case 另 lìng another; other; separately 普通 pŭtōng ordinary;common;average 笨蛋 bèndàn fool; idiot 值得 zhídé to be worth while;worth (doing something) 同 tóng simialr;same 殺 shā to kill 切 qiē to cut;to slice 只有 zhǐyǒu only have;no choice but ;to be forced to 從小 cóngxiăo from childhood 石頭 shítou stone 艘 sāo Measure word for vessels 下沉 xià chén sink;submerge 記號 jìhào mark;sign 牽 qiān lead along; pull along; drag 顆 kē for anything small and roundish 慢慢 mànmàn slowly; gradually 就是 jiùshì quite right; exactly; precisely 明白 míngbái to understand; to know; to realize 加 jiā to add to